眉山人才網/洪雅人才網/彭山人才網/仁壽人才網/青神人才網/丹棱人才網/四川人才網/樂山人才網/眉山勞動力市場 Q:do you believe you are overqualified for this position?
A:Not at all.My experience and qualifications make me do my job only better,and in my opinion,my good design skills help to sell more books. My business experience helps me run the art department in a cost efficient manner, thus saving the company money.Finally,I think I m able to attract better freelance talent because of all my industry contacts.
My qualifications are better for the company,too,since you ll be getting a better return for your investment.Again, I m interested in establishing a long term relationship with my employer,and if I did well,I would expect expanded responsibilities that could make use of even other skills.
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